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Why You Want To Use A Franchise Broker |  Adler Stone

Why You Want To Use A Franchise Broker | What Is A Broker?

We have talked about this on our social media accounts but we want to explain it here as well. A Franchise broker is like a middle man. We help potential franchisees find a franchise that is going to be the best fit for them. We use a lot of methods to help us with that and we do it out of the potential franchisees best interest. We are paid by the franchisor once the deal has been signed, out of their marketing budget. But we are not associated with any one franchise. So you know you are going to get an honest opinion from us, both as a potential franchisee and as a franchisor. So, let’s talk about why you want to use a franchise broker from both perspectives.

Why You Want To Use A Franchise Broker | As A Potential Franchisee

As a potential franchisee, you have no idea what you are getting into. There are so many options out there when it comes to franchises, you can easily get lost in all of the concepts. As a broker, we are here to help you navigate all of that. We will first evaluate your business style so we can determine which businesses are a good fit for you. If you want to, you can do that here. We will then walk you down the path of buying a franchise. You can read about the 8 Steps to Buying a Franchise here. Like we said above, we are in this to make sure you end up in the right business for you. And you don’t pay us at all. The franchisor pays us out of their marketing budget once the deal is done.


Why You Want To Use A Franchise Broker | As A Franchisor

If you are a newly franchised company, you may not be using franchise brokers. You think you can get all of your potential leads on your own, and maybe you can. But what if you could pay someone a few to bring you qualified leads. These leads already know what their funding options are and they are more than likely to make it to the finish line because they have someone to guide them through the process. Trust us, you want to talk to us about using franchise brokers to help grow your business!