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How Facebook Can Boost Your Sales | Adler Stone

How Facebook Can Boost Your Sales | Facebook

I was in a meeting earlier this year and we were discussing using social media to generate leads to do business. Someone in the room turned to me and said “but it is so hard to do business on Facebook”.

No joke.

I was shocked. Did they not know about the BILLIONS of people that are on Facebook? Or the THOUSANDS of people who make MILLIONS of dollars on Facebook yearly? I guess not. So for those of you who feel the same way, I am here to educate you.

How Facebook Can Boost Your Sales | Why Facebook

I talked about this in my Why Every Small Business Needs Social Media post, but Facebook has the most users of any other social media platform, on the planet. With over 2 billion daily users and over 1 billion mobile users, it is the most powerful social media platform for your business. You just need to know how to use it.

I have had several people argue with me that Facebook is for “old people” or it’s dying. Those both may be true to some extent, most Gen Zs don’t use it. But what about all of the Baby Boomers, Gen Xs and Millennials that are on Facebook? They are staying connected with old friends, meeting new people and discovering new products every day. And that is why Facebook is still incredibly relevant.

How Facebook Can Boost Your Sales | How To Use It

The first thing you want to do if you are a business, is create a Facebook business page. This gives people a starting point for your business. This is useful both on and off Facebook (see my post about why every business needs social media here). Now you need followers. The one thing I want you to take away from this post is DO NOT BUY FOLLOWERS. On any platform, ever.

So what is the best way to get followers? By posting things they are interested in. Of course you want to post about your business, but don’t do just that. You won’t gain followers that way. You want to become the preverbal water cooler of the internet. You want people to come to your space because you post interesting things they want to engage with. How do you find that content you ask? Check out my post about Twitter here.

How Facebook Can Boost Your Sales | How To Boost Sales

Now that you are using Facebook, you want to know how to use it to boost your sales. Which is why you are reading this post, right? There is a little something called Facebook ads. You can pay pennies per click or exposure to show people outside of your circle of influence your content. Facebook ads allow you to determine age, gender, interests, and even location of your target demographic. Their ad structure is unlike anything I have ever seen. Luckily you can utilize it on Instagram as well since they are both owned by Facebook.

Facebook ads allow you to create long campaign ads or even just boost one post for a specific period of time. You get to decide. You also get to decide how much money you spend on a campaign. Creating simple, inexpensive campaigns will allow you to grow your audience both effectively and ethically. I’ve done this on my own Facebook page for Breezing Through and I have almost 20,000 followers! That is huge for Facebook.

How Facebook Can Boost Your Sales | Seeing Results

Results won’t come right away. You will need to be patient. Money will have to go out for a little while before you see money coming in. But you will start to see that people are reading the content you post, both original and from other sources. They will click on your links and starting buying things you post about (whether it’s items you have affiliate links for or items you sell directly).

You’re probably thinking this is all well and good to say, but does she have proof? Of course I do! Breezing Through is my biggest example. I have been running that blog for 5 years now and the majority of the clicks for the website come from Facebook. And the people that click on my blog then buy products I talk about. Every single day. And I get a commission off of every one of those!

Why Instagram Is the Key To Establishing Your Brand | Adler Stone

Why Instagram is the Key to Establishing Your Brand | Instagram

Personally, Instagram is my favorite social media platform. It is where I spend the most time and it is the platform I know the best. But I know that other people don’t feel the same way about it. There are other people who are intimidated by it and aren’t sure how to use it. It is much different than Twitter or Facebook and the algorithm is constantly changing.

While I won’t go into detail about how to use Instagram and how to work with the algorithm, not against it, I do want to talk about why it is important for your branding and how it can help grow your business.


Why Instagram is the Key to Establishing Your Brand | Branding Your Business

No matter what kind of business you have, you need to brand that business. A blog, e-commerce site, lifestyle website, brick & mortar, consulting, all need branding. It is how other people learn about your business and identify you and what you do. In order to do brand you business, you need to be Google-able. However, you don’t want other people to control what those results are. One of the best ways you can do this is by creating social media accounts that you control.


Why Instagram is the Key to Establishing Your Brand | How to Start

In order to start, you need to create an Instagram account. Personally, I think it’s best if you can get a username that is the same as your website and other social media platforms. That way people always know how to find you, no matter where they are looking. Then you need pictures. These don’t have to be of you or necessarily what your business is about. There are lots of places to get stock photos, but I will talk about that on another day! If you do want to have pictures of yourself, go do a photo shoot. Grab a camera, it can be your phone, and a friend and take a bunch of picture in good lighting. But that is the easy part.

Next you need text for your pictures. You don’t want to upload pictures without any context. Again, the pictures and the text, don’t have to be related. But you do want the text to be related to your business. This can be broad, but you always want to be able to relate it back to your brand.

In my mind, the hardest part is the hashtags. You can use up to 30 hashtags per Instagram post. I think it is best to use all 30 and you should be strategic about those hashtags. So you need to figure out what those hashtags are. To figure out the best hashtags to use, you can visit the original blog post here.

My advice for deciding on hashtags is the ones you use should come from a pool of images that don’t exceed 500,000 and larger than 1,000. This will ensure that your content is seen by people who really should be seeing it.

How to Get Over Your Fear Of Twitter | Adler Stone

How to Get Over Your Fear Of Twitter | Why Twitter Scares Me

I am the first to admit that Twitter is terrifying. Give me a blog, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn and I am happy to learn more about them and rock the platforms. But Twitter is an entire new ball game for me. There are parts of the platform that make me a little nervous and I am just not used to. But that doesn’t mean that I should disregard it all together.

Twitter has 321 million monthly users. So not being on Twitter is not an option. You need to be on Twitter. You need to get over that fear of messing up or not knowing how the platform works. You need to make sure that whatever you are doing, is at least showing up. The bare minimum is to show up. Even if you don’t feel like you can like, retweet or start a thread, you are at least showing up.


How to Get Over Your Fear Of Twitter | How I Got Over It

If you don’t already, set up a Twitter account. Get a username just like your others and put up a profile picture that matches your other ones, this creates brand consistency. Then start following accounts that are similar to the content you will be creating & pushing out.

I have talked about Buffer before. You know how much I love the platform. If it isn’t for you, that is fine, but you need to have a scheduling app for Twitter. Schedule out Twitter posts from your content as far out as you can. This will give you some buffer room to find other content to post (see what I did there).

But how do you find content that fits with your brand and is relevant to your audience. That is an excellent question! Of course, you want to have your own original content included in your Twitter feed. But you can’t have only original content, that would be exhausting.


To read more, and get a download for better utilizing Twitter, you can visit the original blog post here.