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Franchisor Introductions

During this step, we will be introducing you to the franchisors. You have decided on a few concepts that you like in Step 1 and we arrange for phone calls with those concepts. You will be able to ask initial, high level questions and they will provide a high level look at their business. Once that initial call is complete, you will usually have 1-2 more calls with the franchisors where you will decide which 1 or 2 you really want to proceed with to Step 6 which is due diligence.

You will end Step 5 confident about which concept(s) you are the most comfortable with. If for some reason you don’t like any of the concepts after the franchisor introductions, we go back to the drawing board and look at new concepts. We want to make sure you are ready to progress to step 6 before we start the due diligence process.


The Rest of the Steps

8 Steps to Buying A Franchise

Step 1: Start Franchise Shopping

Step 2: Acquire Funding

Step 3: Compare Your Options

Step 4: Prepare Yourself

Step 5: Franchisor Introductions

Step 6: Due Diligence

Step 7: Franchise Award

Step 8: Become a Franchise Owner